Mini-splits in Tempe, AZ, homes offer a versatility that isn’t found with traditional ducted AC systems. A whole house mini-split system can be set up in structures that lack the space for AC ducts, needing only a small hole drilled into the wall for installation, and providing you with the same level of comfort.

If you have an addition to your home that lacks the extending ducts from your main living space or have noticed your traditional HVAC system can’t fully dispel the heat in your kitchen when you’re cooking, adding ductless mini-splits to the affected rooms is an easy way to blend both technologies.

If you want to save some money on your energy bill or simply prefer to live a more energy-efficient lifestyle, AC mini-splits should be on your short-list of options. Rather than shutting off completely like standard HVAC compressors, mini-splits use an inverter-driven compressor that cycles up or down as needed. The lack of ducts also reduces the energy waste expected from traditional HVAC systems.

Contact us or call (602) 767-7400 to schedule an appointment today!